Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ann Coulter, Greenville Symphony Orchestra, and Gruesome Playground Injuries Oh My!

I am not the first blogger to write about the Fear of Missing Out or FOMO, and I am sure I will not be the last, but I think it is something so easy to fall victim to that you lose yourself in the days.

The weeks here should go far faster than they do, yet when the weekend comes I am wondering what happened to my seemingly endless week that has managed to disappear.

Mondays are certainly the craziest days for me- I go from my 10:30 Chemistry 110 class to my 11:30 Theatre 101 class to my 12:30 FWS followed in rapid succession by French 110 at 2:30, Symphonic Band rehearsal at 3:30, Flute lessons at 5:30, and Flute Studio Class at 6:30 and soon Pomp and Circumstance rehearsals after that. They seem so long when they are happening, yet with Monday only a few short hours away, I am wondering how it came up so quickly! And then I remember......

I spent my Tuesday night watching movies with a friend.

I went to Campus Catholic Ministries on Wednesday.

So not the best quality ever thanks to the lights in McAlister, but this is the best photo I have of Ann Coulter, whose Conservative talking points are often at once funny, enlightening, and borderline offensive.

I saw Ann Coulter speak on Thursday.

I went out to dinner at a pizza place and then watched Inception with my roommate Friday night

All dressed up for the Greenville Symphony Orchestra performing Wagner and Beethoven- what a lovely evening in downtown Greenville!

I attended a Greenville Symphony Orchestra Concert and got Thai food on Saturday.

I went to Mass led by the Bishop tonight.

I have a true case of FOMO. I want to do anything and everything, and because of that I am trying to do as much as I possibly can with my days. There's nothing wrong with that of course, except that now the weeks are just speeding by!

And there's so much more coming up! The world of theatre is heating up with Company being performed by the Pauper Players, and OFT is putting on Gruesome Playground Injuries. I personally will be attending both and you should too, tickets are available at the Trone Student Center for both shows! In case you haven't seen the trailer for Gruesome Playground Injuries: maybe a little FOMO isn't such a bad thing after all. At least when my personal favorite department benefits from it!

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