Saturday, September 21, 2013

Go ham until you can't anymore.

Something that I do not believe I have had since I have been here is ham. Which is odd, because I've been going ham for the past couple of days. Since my slang may seem a little odd, let's define ham:

1. (noun) the meat that comes from pigs, hogs and other swine.

2. (verb) to go hard in the paint: put full effort forward

In other words: If a person goes ham, assume they are going for it with full force.

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of homework. Not in a bad way. If there is anything that I have discovered, it is that I like reading a lot more than I had thought... which is good because I have done 100+ pages today and I'm not quite done (do not be scared, 100+ pages is for a full week, not a single night). So I've basically been working hard.

This week I had my first college presentation, my first RLC meeting, my first Men of Distinction (a mentoring group) meeting, my first of many college labs, my first conference with professors, and my first Skype date with friends from home, which is more important than you would think. This along with all of the other things I like to do here.

Now I want to make something very clear: this is not a complaint. It is no secret that Furman is a difficult school, but it is what I signed up for so I am very excited to do it. But this week I really had to learn to prioritize.

Basically, I had more homework than anticipated this week because I am doing next week's work too. I asked all of my professors if I could get it assigned ahead of time so that I would have it done and would not have to work on it when my parents visit next week.

So, going with the theme of prioritizing, you may or may not have noticed that I did not blog on thursday, which is when I try my best to do. I am still figuring out balance, which means that I had to make decisions involving pushing back my blogging time to saturday.

That being said, this past week was an absolute blast! As is always is here! Last night I went to watch a improv comedy show put on by a group of students by the name of ImprovAble. It was side-splittingly good. My RA, the lovely Daniel Hoilett, was one of five cast members in it. He and his four cast-mates were absolutely incredible. If there is one thing that I will never get used to, it is the incredibly vast amounts of talents and skills in the Furman community. When I thought about college, I never really thought that I would spend Friday nights at improv shows. I now find my self constantly wondering when the next one will be. In fact they are holding auditions this week for new ImprovAble members... I might just try out! But that is for a later time.

Just to continue on the updates about Intramural Volleyball- we killed it this week! we are now 3-0 and #1 in our league. Soccer however... not as good. I played goalie again and let only 4 goals get scored on me this time! I even blocked one with my face, which I am pretty proud of. Win or lose though, Geer 300 is the best group of guys and we have fun regardless, which is what it is all about!

Okay, I need to get back to homework, but first, let's recap:

1) I can go ham without eating ham.
2) Furman is a hard school, but so worth it!
3) Balance is key.
4) My RA is hilarious
5) Volleyball is great
6) Soccer is... a work in progress

Don't forget to email me with any questions you may have!

Sam McCoy

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