Sunday, September 15, 2013

In Which the Band Geek Goes to the Football Game

So I fully admit to being one of those kids who doesn't really "do" sports. I don't "do" tailgating and I don't "do" football and I don't "do" all of this standing and cheering and yelling at referees. I am that awkward kid that would rather spend her Saturday afternoon highlighting her new script or practicing her new sheet music than watch a bunch of guys toss around an overrated piece of leather. And I know I am not alone in this fact. I do, however, adore the marching band. Maybe because I am a flute player myself, or maybe because my roommate marches baritone, but whatever the reason, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was attending the first Furman home game. I pretended not to notice when I walked past a sea of sundresses and cowgirl boots, me in my jean shorts and nondescript purple tee shirt, pretended to understand the announcer as he called out descriptions of passes and fumbles- and waited for the marching band.

For the record, I intend on attending every home football game. Not only because the marching band here is actually stellar, but because I love the feeling of it. I love the idea that a community comes together to support their friends and their classmates, and I love watching everyone stand and cheer when we get a touchdown because in that moment we really are all connected to something, whether we're in sundresses or sportswear, whether we watch football every Saturday or aren't even sure which direction our own team is trying to send the ball in (I'm not that bad I promise). And no, I will probably never go game day dress shopping, and I will probably never yell at the referee for making a bad call. But I will be there all the same, just as excited and supportive as the rest of the fans filling our side of the stadium.

Revelation for the non-sporting Furman freshman. Go Paladins!

And in case you missed it......

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