Monday, September 9, 2013

Busy Days & Unnecessary Concerns

While preparing me for college, my older sister advised me to get involved as much as I could. She told me not to miss an opportunity to meet someone, to go somewhere, or to learn something new. She also told me not to sit alone in my room. Well, I can proudly say that I have had no time to sit alone in my room. When I first received my class schedule for the fall semester, I was amazed to see how different it was from high school. I thought for sure I would have hours of free time to study and relax. I was wrong. Somehow every hour of everyday seems to be filled with something important. Luckily, staying busy is the best way to meet people, to learn, and to take advantage of all that Furman has to offer.

So you may wonder what I have been up to that's been filling all of my time. I was selected to be a member of the Shucker Leadership Institute, an organization on campus that enhances student's leadership skills. I am also in the Furman Futures program through the admissions office, so I will soon be hosting prospective students for lunch visits and overnight visits. I have been trying out a few different clubs on campus, like RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) which has worship services and bible studies. I also attended a CLP (Cultural Life Program) event last week. (Before graduating, each student must have attended at least 32 CLP events. They are usually speeches or movies discussion interesting and unique topics that you otherwise probably wouldn't be thinking about). I met with the Pre-Med advisor last week who helped me map out my classes for the next four years. I have been taking advantage of the PAC (physical activities center - aka gym), which has awesome new fitness equipment. (I also attended a kickboxing class under the stars!) I attended the "My Tie" dance, a dance where each freshman is given a tie and attends dinner and a dance with other freshmen who have matching ties. Finally, I have visited the beautiful downtown Greenville several times. Yesterday I went to an Indie Craft Parade downtown where local artists were selling their homemade masterpieces. As you can imagine, balancing classes, homework, clubs, exercise, and social life is not an easy task, but I'm so excited about all of the new opportunities.

Here is my hall and our brother hall before the My Tie dance.

Here are some pictures from the craft parade downtown, including my organic orange cream popsicle

On Saturday, I attended a retreat with the other 24 Shucker Leadership New Fellows in Charlotte, NC. We spent the day doing leadership building activities and a high ropes course. The high ropes course was designed so that the only way to complete it was to rely on your group. Standing 50 feet up in the air on a metal wire with most of my weight leaning against another person is a great way to get to know someone. I was definitely pushed out of my comfort zone, but the ropes course was a great way to get to know the other Shucker New Fellows as well as develop our ability to work as a team.

The high ropes course at UNC Charlotte

The Shucker New Fellows after completing the high ropes course

As I begin to get used to the college lifestyle, I have been thinking back on this past summer and all of the worries and concerns I had. Like any soon-to-be college freshman, I was pretty nervous about starting my new life at Furman. Below I have listed a few worries I had. As it turns out, those were pointless concerns.

1) I was so scared that I would have to sit alone in the Dining Hall. 
First of all, sitting alone in the DH is not a big deal at all. People do it all the time, and it's perfectly acceptable to sit and read a book or look out the window while enjoying your meal. Second of all, it turns out that every single other freshmen student is also scared of sitting alone in the DH. So, that makes it pretty easy when trying to find people to sit with. Third of all, Furman is small enough that you constantly see people you know everywhere you go. I have been at Furman for three weeks now and I have never had to sit alone in the DH because I always see people I know.

2) I was worried that I wouldn't have time to go to church
I know it's silly, but I was worried that I would be too busy with other things that I would never have time to go to church or stay involved religiously. It has only been three weeks since I moved in, but I have already been more involved in religious life than I was even at home. Furman has so many clubs, religious groups, and bible studies. Greenville also has wonderful churches.

3) I was worried that my belongings wouldn't fit in my tiny dorm room
I thought I was bringing a lot of clothes, and after discovering that I would be living in Blackwell, I was very worried that my clothes wouldn't fit. In reality, I could have brought twice as much clothing as I brought and it would still fit nicely. Between my closet and the rows of drawers, there is plenty of storage.

4) I was worried that the showers would always be occupied
I have not yet had to wait for a shower. In fact, I have never even seen a line for the showers. I have heard stories of college students being late to class because all of the showers are being used. Well, that is not a problem at all at Furman, at least not on Blackwell base. We have plenty of showers to share here!

This next week is going to bring even more firsts. My first chemistry test, the first home football game, my first essay, are all quickly approaching. I can't wait to share all of the new experiences I will have next week!

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at

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