Sunday, September 29, 2013

No Work, All Play

After five days of classes and  homework, I entitle myself to two days of absolute lethargy, and consequentially, no work whatsoever.

Friday afternoon, I decided to go visit Rolyn Rollins at the Cothran Center for Vocational Reflection. What I absolutely love about that office is that it is always booming with tons of delightful people! Little did I know that in that short period of time, I would binge on Rice Chex, get swing dancing lessons and have amazing conversations with the people there!

  • Swing Dancing Lessons with Matthew Morris :

Swing Dancing Lessons with the Dancing Star

I ran into Matthew Morris at the Cothran Center who, besides being awesome, also happened to be a great dancer! Amidst the random conversations, he decided to (try and) teach me how to swing dance.
While I clumsily tried to follow his lead, he swayed me with the ease of a professional dancer. 
Like A Pro - Matthew at Work

  • Just Paddock-ing ...

Ever since I have come to college, I have become a night owl! I don't know what would have I done without Paddock's night hours, because that's when my unpredictable appetite surges.


I have been frequenting the restaurant a lot, and these midnight meals keep me going...especially since they are so delicious!

  •  Weekends Like A Collegian!
The best part about being in college is that every weekend, there's a party somewhere on campus! But the real challenge is finding out where it is.
On Saturday night, I tagged along with a bunch of friends to go to an International Student Party. Excitedly, we knocked loudly on the door, expecting a boisterous group of people to welcome us. Somebody did open the door, but instead of being greeted by exuberant party-goers, we were welcomed with awkward silence and stares. That's right - we had the wrong address. After a long time of futilely trying to find the venue, we ended up deciding to go back to our rooms and call it a night.
And that, my friends, was my Saturday night.

While I haven't been socially active in a long time, I promise to come up with more next week!
I hope y'all had an awesome weekend filled with (real) parties!

Until my next post,
Bhavya Sharma

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