Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sports on Sports on Sports.

Greetings from Greenville!

I just received the greatest news of my life: today is national Chocolate Milkshake Day. Which means my friends and I will be celebrating tonight with some Cookout. What is Cookout? It is the best/worst food on Earth. People who live in the Carolinas may already know this glory, but for those who do not, please pay attention. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!

Cookout sells food in trays. A tray is comprised of one entree and two sides. The entree can be anything from a burger, to chicken fingers, to a BBQ beef sandwich, and even cajun chicken. Sides are anything from french fries to onion rings and hush puppies. Corn dogs, quesadillas and chicken nuggets also fall under "sides", even though I am fairly confident that they are entrees, but hey, I am not complaining. You also get a drink, or you can substitute a milkshake or float for another dollar. Long story short: Cookout is the perfect food for college students because it is cheap and delicious, but is not necessarily the greatest when it comes to avoiding that Freshman 15. 

Yea, this school is a Beauty
Luckily, Furman is such an active campus that I will not feel guilty about going to eat a milkshake tonight.

Something that is beautiful about the Furman is that it incorporates nature into the campus. Lets be realistic, how many schools look as beautiful as Furman? What this allows for is an active community. Something that I have gotten into in the past three weeks is intramural sports. I've also joined two club sports and gotten into working out regularly and exploring the many options of activity that Furman has to offer. 

Intramurals are sports that are divided up into different leagues and are low key (league depending) where everyone is understanding of the fact that people are there to have fun. Your freshman year, you are automatically put onto teams that are hall sponsored, so you just have to show up to your scheduled play times. This week, my hall had our first soccer game. We lost, but we lost in style and had a blast. We played another freshman hall and were upset 1-5 in the final score. I feel like I can say our goalie should have blocked more goals, but since he is recovering from the bruise on the side of his... buttocks...  from falling while trying his best, I will cut him some slack. For the record, I played goalie. Luckily, everyone on the field was just there to have fun and no one judged me for my "interesting"techniques. The sports are a blast and a definite must try for every Furman student.
Some members of our 2nd place team after our game
in front of the library!

Two days ago, we had our second co-rec volleyball game with our lovely sister hall. We continued our winning streak and now stand at 2-0 in our league. We played the lovely ladies of Geer 200 and their brother hall, Blackwell 100. The entire game, I was laughing with my opponents as we played a game to relieve stress from the long day of classes at Furman. Intramurals are, in my opinion, some of the most fun things because it gets you active with friends as you explore sports that you may not have had the chance to try before. I surely never thought I would have as much fun playing sand volleyball. 

The other great thing that Furman has is a myriad of club sports. The primary difference between club sports and intramurals is that there are tryouts and practices for the club teams. Also, club sports teams get to compete against other universities instead of just other teams within the school. For example, the club Swim Team will be traveling to the University of Georgia in a few weeks to compete. I decided to go out for both Swimming and Tennis club teams. While it is very difficult to balance both, I love both. Club swimming is very chillax and no stress. Tennis is separated into both Tournament and Practice Teams. Since I wanted to take it slow with tennis, I opted for the practice teams. But club teams exist for so many different sports all across the board. In fact, my roommate is currently practicing for the Ultimate Frisbee team. If you want to try club sports, I highly recommend it.

One thing that is so great about the students on campus is that just about everyone is active. As far as working out goes, I have found my own personal favorite activities. Just about everyday (I may have slacked a little this week... uh oh) I go for a run around the beautiful Swan Lake that is on the back side of campus. There is a gorgeous 5k route around the campus that I take. Of course I made some slight adjustments to accommodate for how much I want to work out that day. Conveniently, it is exactly 1 mile from my hall to the Amphitheater on campus, where I typically stop for some abs and arm workouts. The run is simply gorgeous and it makes me feel absolutely splendid. 

Since this is a blog where I am supposed to be honest, I might as well share with you all a story about one of my runs. As I stopped at the amphitheater with my music blasting in my ears, I began doing some core exercises. Being tired and in need of extra push, I was making odd noises, like grunting as I pushed for those final sit-ups. About five minutes into my noise making, I realize that I had neglected to notice the five ladies that were tanning just about 20 feet from me. After feeling embarrassed that I had made such an impression with them, I said hello and then goodbye as I jogged off into the sunset. Long story short for girls: tanning is optimal at the amphitheater. Long story short for guys: check your surroundings. 

The Physical Activities Center, or PAC as it is commonly referred, is the on campus gym for students. While I have not spent as much time in there as other students, it serves as a hub for student activity, whether it be a game of pick up basketball, a yoga class, or just basic strength training with friends. In all honesty, I have only used the pool. But I am sure that as soon as it cools off a little bit more, I will be spending much more time in the PAC.

It is almost impossible to go a day at Furman without being exposed to some sort of activity on campus. It is so therapeutic to go from classes to do physical activities with friends. One thing that is so great about Furman is its emphasis on experiences beyond the classroom. There is so much to do and to learn and I cannot wait to see what it has to offer in the future! 

RLC's way of notifying
new members! Definitely not
what I was expecting to see at 3 am
I am awaiting this weekend for so many reasons. I was recently informed that I was selected to join the Residential Life Council and we are going on a retreat tomorrow. Furman's first home football game is this saturday and we are about to find out about what all of this "Paladin Rising" business is about. I have plans to explore downtown just a little bit more this weekend! Also, I am now a Furman Future for the admissions department meaning I could host you all for a lunch or for an overnight visit. I cannot wait to get the ball rolling with my fellow futures! Stay tuned for more Furman fun!

Contact me with any questions you may have about absolutely anything! Now it's time for club swimming practice, followed by that milkshake. 

Sam McCoy

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