Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Myriad of Introductions

Hi there!

I suppose it is best to begin at the beginning. My name is Lauren Girouard. I hail from the desert, that is to say Gilbert, Arizona, which is about twenty minutes outside of Phoenix. Every time someone here says it's hot outside I chuckle and pull at the sleeves of my sweatshirt in embarrassment, because despite the humidity, this weather is a drastic change from the 106 degree average weather I have come to know, and dare I say it, even enjoy in small doses. Very small doses. I think it is perfectly normal, when home is so terribly far away, to occasionally miss the familiar. I miss my mom, and my cats, and my pretty sunsets, and the local art museum, and definitely my friends. But I am also excited.

I'm excited because I am here. I am an intended double major- Theatre and Neuroscience (yes I know, I must be crazy, I am going to die, etc. etc. ad infinitum), and my schedule this semester includes Chemistry 110, Theatre 101, French 110, and my First Year Writing Seminar (the first of two, I opted for both semesters with an FWS). So far, so good. I came in thinking I would abhor Chemistry, but it is French with "the iron Maiden" that is actually keeping me up late.

I have played flute for over eight years now, and I feel very fortunate to be a part of the Furman band this semester. I also attend Mass every Sunday and hope to participate in theatre productions either on stage or backstage as much as possible.

So I'll be sure to keep you posted about how everything goes, whoever you are, and I will try to be as entertaining as possible about it- with pictures in the future I promise, but for the time being I just wanted to say hi and explain a little bit about my perspective, since each of the bloggers has a different take and a different set of experiences to tell you about. So I hope it has been as pleasant a first week for you as it has been for me.

Until next time!

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