Monday, September 16, 2013

Taking It Easy

Every college student, no matter how close or far away from home they may go, fears the day when they get sick at school.  Thankfully, no flu or stomach bug for me, but waking up with a sore throat was enough to make me a tad homesick.  After talking to my mom on the phone, I decided to head to the Furman infirmary to get my throat checked out.  I was greeted by a smiling staff, and I waited less than 5 minutes to see a nurse.  The nurse took my temperature, looked at my swollen tonsils, and said to my relief, "You don't a fever or strep throat.  It's probably a virus or allergies."  She gave me some cough drops and decongestion medicine while instructing me to rest and take it easy for a few days.

"Taking it easy," is easier said than done at Furman, where school work, clubs, and activities are more than plentiful.  I admit I probably am not getting as much sleep as I should at college!  However, now I'm doing my best not to overexert myself, and I already feel a little better by catching up on some sleep!

Questions or just want to talk?  Please email me at, I would love to hear from you!

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