Sunday, September 15, 2013

Living the Freshmen Life

Third week of classes. Wow. I can't believe how far I have come.
It's been one marvelous week, to be terse. 

But my job as a freshmen blogger does not allow me to be terse.

So, here's a gist of all that happened this week:

#1. On my way to Freshmen Fifteen (more like, fifty) : 


Yes, I eat like a fattie. There, I said it!

#2. Figuring out how to survive college: 


It can get out of hands, sometimes. Especially since I am super lazy with doing my homework.
But, hey, as long as I am developing survival skills, I won't complain!


Furman University's awesome band

The Paladin - Furman University's mascot

My first football game. Lots of adrenaline. And a big, happy victory.

This made my weekend, I tell you.
The cheering, the hooting, the entire school spirit - it's contagious, really.
It made me feel elated that the first football game I saw was at Furman, and that we won (even though narrowly so)!

#4. Appointments! Appointments!

Ever since I've come to Furman, I haven't had the time to get bored.
It's because the campus is always booming with people, with events, and most of all, with life.

There is always a ton of activities that I want to do, and half a dozen places where I have to be, all the time.
And that is the best part of it all - the fact that I don't ever have the time to rest in my ennui.

This has been one helluva week, I must say!
And now, since weekend's here (finally!) , and I might finally have some time to get bored, I could say with reassurance that my profusely productive week deserves an easy-going weekend.

I hope you all are having a great weekend, and are getting some time to yourselves to unwind.
Remember, it's weekend. 

Let the laziness sink in. 

PS. That's also my new motto for college.

Until my next post,
Warm love

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